Our mission is simple:
ENRICH LIVES: Our first passion is to provide a last loving home to senior and at-risk dogs. We are limited in the number of dogs we can have on our property. As our volunteer and foster bases grow, we will be able to save more senior dogs through fostering. Our second passion is to foster at-risk cats and kittens from local animal care centers; caring for them and then finding them forever homes.
EMPOWER CHANGE: We are committed to continue helping shelters to improve and to maximize saving these precious lives.
EDUCATE: Plain and simple. We strive to educate owners on the importance of spaying and neutering their pets, and the value of owning a senior dog or cat .
So many senior dogs are discarded like trash at local shelters. Being old is not a crime. Senior dogs actually make the best companions! They embrace the love and attention, are grateful, and offer unconditional love in return. They may require more medical care than younger dogs, but what they give back outweighs the cost of any vet bills. Currently we only rescue dogs from shelters. We do not take dogs in from the public.
Founder, Susan Friend LeTourneur, began volunteering at the Castaic Animal Care Center in December of 2016. In the first two years she and her husband, Paul, fostered and saved over 100 kittens and cats. Kitten season seems to be a year round event in Southern California. Kittens and lactating moms with kittens need a quiet safe environment in which to thrive. Fostering gives these kittens the chance to mature unafraid, loving, and adoptable. In addition to kittens, we foster "feral" cats. This label is given to any cat in the shelter that is difficult to handle. They may strike, bite, hiss, or hide. Many of these cats are simply scared and need time in a home and some coaxing to realize that they needn't fear us humans. Without a foster they would have very little chance of being adopted. Paul and Susan comfort these cats; they soon relax and welcome being held and petted. A lot of time is put into networking these cats and finding them a forever home.
We often hear that people would love to have a senior dog but are unable to care for one. You can sponsor one of our dogs at the sanctury, supporting us with food or a monetary donation of any amount. We also need FOSTERS! Be part of the solution and provide a loving home to a senior dog from a shelter. We provide all medical care. We encouragte all our fosters to become foster fails and give their fosters a forever home providing them the best of the rest of their life. And, if you want to skip the foster step...simply adopt a senior from your local shelter!
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